Friday, August 6, 2010

e Fascination With Jewellery

I'm sure most women out there would agree - women can be completely FASCINATED by jewellery almost borderline obsessed by it in fact! Whether it be a silver necklace, a pair of gold earrings or a diamond ring, jewellery can have the same affect on a woman that a sweet shop has on a child. The evidence is always crystal clear on a high street on a busy day - just check out a jewellery store and you can guarantee to see a woman looking at the jewellery on display with a far away and dreamy look in their eyes. were Marilyn Monroes best friend. The character Willie in Raiders of the Lost Ark couldn't care less about the bullets flying around her, once she clocked the diamond that fell to the floor she quite happily got on her hands and knees amongst all the mayhem with only one thought in her mind - to grab the diamond and claim it as her own. The film Casino is another perfect example on the effect jewellery can have on a woman, Sharon Stones character Ginger was a tough, smart, independent and strong willed woman, but on being presented with a (very) big box filled with jewellery she was almost zombified into a mass jewellery fuelled awe! is this I wonder? It is because of society? Maybe women have become sub-consciously programmed to place emphasis on and desire all things that glitter and sparkle? It is due to Mothers letting her Daughters wear the most special pieces of jewellery on special occasions thus instilling a sense of reverence with regards to jewellery? Perhaps men are to blame?! Men will often buy a loved one a piece of jewellery to show their affection, the ultimate gift being a diamond which has become symbolic to lasting love and unity. Or, dare I ask, do women wear jewellery not just to feel more confident but to actually appear more attractive to men? on from the question with attracting the opposite sex, what is really interesting is with animals, birds in particular, the male is usually the more attractive of the species and they can become even more attractive during their mating ritual. A male peacock will proudly show off its beautiful and colourful plumage as a sign of courtship to attract the female peacocks. Male birds are just as fascinated by jewellery and sparkles as female humans are - in fact the Magpie is notorious for it! friend of mine once said something to me which I will always remember. He said "women are beautiful creatures, diverse, unpredictable, complex and passionate. The very least a man can do is admire them for all that they are and represent - buying a special piece of jewellery is a way of doing that." personally think that jewellery can make a women feel special, loved and beautiful. There are so many intricate jewellery designs available today with such a staggering amount of choice that one can't help but admire and appreciate the workmanship, plus these days silver jewellery in particular is available at such a low price it is possible to own several pieces and keep adding to the collection. that just that a natural female response?

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